The SDK provides out of the box support for the deployed networks on Görli
, Ropsten
, and Rinkeby
If you need to use the SDK on a private network, or a custom deployment you can find more information in the following guide.
For development purposes, the Light Client uses a standalone environment. The dApp deployment and the development version served by 'pnpm run serve' also conforms to this configuration.
This environment uses:
You can find the raiden version tagged on Docker Hub under raidennetwork/raiden:demoenv001
. To pull the image you need to run the following:
docker pull raidennetwork/raiden:demoenv001
The transport server does not participate in the matrix federation. For this reason, you have to explicitly specify it when starting raiden. You can use the following flag:
Similarly, you also have to specify the path-finding server:
You can easily run a python node in the test environment by using Docker. To get the supported Raiden version from Docker Hub you need to run the following command:
docker pull raidennetwork/raiden:demoenv001
The test environment uses the Görli testnet. For the purposes of this guide, we assume that a geth node runs locally on your computer. If you use a different ethereum client or RPC provider, please adjust accordingly.
geth --goerli console --cache=512 --port 30303 --rpc --rpcapi eth,net,web3,txpool --rpccorsdomain "*" --rpcaddr ""
You can start the container, by using the following command:
docker run --rm -it \
--network=host \
--mount src=/path/to/keystore,target=/keystore,type=bind \
raidennetwork/raiden:demoenv001 \
--keystore-path /keystore \
--network-id 5 \
--environment-type development \
--eth-rpc-endpoint \
--accept-disclaimer \
--matrix-server= \
--pathfinding-service-address \
--api-address ""
We use --network=host
if the ethereum node runs locally on the host machine, to provide access to it from the container.
If you want to use raiden from source code you can start by cloning the raiden repository, and checkout the suggested commit:
git clone
cd raiden
git checkout 2e741dfdf4bfa564dec760abd5e3d8b2c9d30715
Then you need to create a virtual environment using python 3.7 and activate it:
python3.7 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
Before starting Raiden, you need to install its dependencies. You can install them by running:
make install-dev
After the installation, you can start Raiden by running:
raiden --keystore-path ~/.keystore \
--log-config raiden:INFO \
--api-address "" \
--eth-rpc-endpoint http://localhost:8545 \
--accept-disclaimer \
--network-id 5 \
--environment-type development \
--routing-mode=pfs \
--matrix-server= \
After you get your node running, you will be able to receive token transfers from the Light Client dApp and SDK.
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