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Direct Transfer

This is where the fun begins: off-chain transfers!

The main point of information about past and pending transfers is the transfers$: Observable<RaidenTransfer> observable. It'll first emit all known past transfers at subscription time (history), then emit again each time a transfer state changes, allowing you to keep track of the transfer status. The Raiden.transfer method is used to initiate an outgoing transfer, and returned Promise will reject with an Error if transfer signature prompt is cancelled or resolve with the transferKey value (a transfer unique key based on direction and secrethash) as soon as it's registered. You can use this key property of the objects emitted by transfers$ as a unique key to keep track of specific transfers.

import { RaidenTransfer } from 'raiden-ts';

const transfers: { [key: string]: RaidenTransfer } = {};
raiden.transfers$.subscribe((transfer) => {
  transfers[transfer.key] = transfer;
  console.log('Transfers updated:', transfers);
const key: string = await raiden.transfer('0xtoken', '0xtarget', 10);

## channels$ output, as balance & capacity are updated:
# Raiden channels: {
#   '0xtoken': {
#     '0xpartner': {
#       token: '0xtoken',
#       tokenNetwork: '0xtokenNetwork',
#       partner: '0xpartner',
#       state: 'open',
#       ownDeposit: BigNumber(100),
#       partnerDeposit: BigNumber(0),
#       id: 123,
#       settleTimeout: 500,
#       openBlock: 5123
#       balance: BigNumber(-10), // you spent 10 tokens
#       capacity: BigNumber(90), // capacity is reduced as well
#     }
#   }
# }

## transfers$ output:
# Transfers updated: {
#   [key]: {
#     key,
#     secrethash,
#     status: 'PENDING', // see RaidenTransferStatus enum imported from 'raiden-ts'
#     initiator: '0xourAddress'
#     recipient: '0xpartner',
#     target: '0xtarget',
#     paymentId: BigNumber(99123), // auto-generated if not passed as `opts.paymentId` to transfer
#     chainId, // channel info
#     token: '0xtoken',
#     tokenNetwork: '0xtokenNetwork',
#     channelId: 123,
#     amount: BigNumber(10),
#     expirationBlock: 5223,
#     fee: BigNumber(0),
#     startedAt: new Date(1566929562387),
#     changedAt: new Date(1566929562387),
#     success: undefined, // set as soon as known if transfer was revealed or failed
#     completed: false, // true after no more actions are pending for this transfer
#   }
# }

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