Public exposed channels interface (Raiden.channels$)
This should be only used as a public view of the internal channel state
It contains some details about channel's current state, and some balances.
Most relevant are:
state: one of 'open', 'closing', 'closed', 'settleable' or 'settling'
id: channel identifier
token: ERC20 token contract address
tokenNetwork: TokenNetwork contract address
openBlock: block number in which channel was opened
closeBlock: block in which channel got closed
partner: partner's address
balance: how much was sent (negative) plus received on this channel from partner
capacity: how much still can be transferred through this channel; increases with deposit
Balances [for each property, prefixed with either 'own' or 'partner']:
Deposit: on-chain totalDeposit
Withdraw: on-chain totalWithdraw
Unlocked: how much was received and unlocked on this channel's end
Locked: how much is still locked off-chain on this channel's end
Public exposed channels interface (Raiden.channels$)
This should be only used as a public view of the internal channel state It contains some details about channel's current state, and some balances. Most relevant are: